Webcast: Political Promises
<p>What lies ahead for health reform? Will President-elect Obama bring insurance coverage to more Americans despite the country's financial problems?<br><br>The latest episode of "Talking Health," called "Political Promises," featured two experts who have been following the politics of health reform for a long time: Karen Davis, president of The Commonwealth Fund, and Sheila P. Burke, a lecturer in public policy at Harvard University. Two panelists, Julie Rovner, health policy correspondent for NPR, and Marilyn Werber Serafini, health care and welfare reporter for <em>National Journal,</em> gave suggestions to journalists covering the story for the next year both nationally and locally.<Br><br>Watch the archived webcast, which includes question-and-answer sessions, at <a href="/multimedia/"> http://www.commonwealthfund.org/multimedia/.</a><br><br>"Talking Health" is cosponsored by The Association of Health Care Journalists, The Commonwealth Fund, and the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism.</p>