Webinar: Integration for Medicare–Medicaid Enrollees
Please join the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) on August 27 for a 90-minute webinar to learn from three states that have implemented integration models for their Medicare–Medicaid, or dually eligible, enrollees. Presenters from Massachusetts, Ohio, and Virginia will discuss their initial experiences enrolling Medicare–Medicaid enrollees in these demonstrations, as well as outline strategies they are using to engage and retain enrollees in these new systems of care.<br />
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<strong>What:</strong> Engaging Medicare–Medicaid Enrollees: Insights from Three Financial Alignment Demonstration States<br />
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<strong>When:</strong> Wednesday, August 27, 2014, 2:00 p.m.–3:30 p.m. E.T.<br />
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This CHCS webinar is made possible through The SCAN Foundation and The Commonwealth Fund as part of the Implementing New Systems of Integration for Dual Eligibles (INSIDE) project.<br />
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