What the AHCA’s Medicaid Cuts Would Mean
<p>The House-passed American Health Care Act (AHCA) would reduce federal spending on Medicaid by more than $830 billion over the next 10 years. Along with repealing the Medicaid expansion, the bill dramatically cuts annual federal funding for state Medicaid programs, forcing states to eliminate services, drop enrollees, or lower payments to health care providers.</p><p>Millions of older adults, people with disabilities, and children would feel the impact—including the more than 200,000 Americans with opioid addictions currently covered by Medicaid. </p>
<p>The AHCA would also push rural hospitals deep into the red. Uncompensated care costs for these safety-net hospitals could increase by 125 percent by 2026, according to an upcoming Commonwealth Fund report. </p>
<p>Visit the Commonwealth Fund’s ACA Repeal Debate page for more information and follow us on Twitter with #ACARepealDebate.</p>