What Can the U.S. and England Learn from Each Other’s Health Care Reforms?
<p>Both the U.S. and England are working to better integrate health services, improve population health, and manage health care costs. And despite the differences in their health systems, the two nations can still learn a lot from each other’s reforms, say Commonwealth Fund Harkness Fellow Adam D. M. Briggs, Hugh Alderwick, Stephen M. Shortell, and Elliott S. Fisher, M.D., in a new <em>JAMA </em>Viewpoint and post for <em>To the Point</em>.</p><p>For example, the U.S. experience with accountable care organizations suggests that U.K. policymakers need to be realistic about the potential benefits of their country’s new “place based” partnerships, through which National Health Service organizations and local government departments purchase health and long-term care services for a geographic region. The U.S., meanwhile, might take inspiration from the NHS, the authors say, by including all payers in its reforms and by avoiding the mixed incentives of a payment system that’s a hybrid of fee-for-service and value-based contracts.</p>
http://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/newsletters/ealerts/2018/mar/what-can-the-us-and-england-learn-from-each-others-health-care-reforms Read the post