What Role Will Safety-Net Providers Have in the New Health Care System?

eAlert 14fd8e76-ade3-4a6c-b450-bee098dfa8ea

<p>Policymakers are increasingly looking to integrated health care delivery systems, such as accountable care organizations, to care for populations that are vulnerable because of low income, poor health, or complex needs. It’s unclear, however, to what extent safety-net providers like community health centers and public hospitals—which have long experience caring for these patients—will be included in such systems. </p><p>A <a href="/publications/issue-briefs/2012/aug/including-safety-net-providers-integrated-delivery-systems">new issue brief</a> from The Commonwealth Fund and the National Academy for State Health Policy discusses key design considerations for including safety-net providers in integrated delivery systems, which are able to provide a coordinated continuum of health services for their patients while holding themselves accountable for the outcomes and costs of that care. In the brief, the authors also explore the roles that state and federal agencies can play in supporting and testing models of integrated care delivery. </p>
<p>Read more on <a href="/publications/issue-briefs/2012/aug/including-safety-net-providers-integrated-delivery-systems">commonwealthfund.org</a>. </p>
