What Will Happen to Medicaid Beneficiaries If Kentucky ‘Dis-Kynects’?

eAlert 11a8b8f2-f3b5-49bc-a057-d806b924db0e

<p>Kentucky’s governor Matthew Bevin has proposed to shut down Kynect, his state’s highly popular health insurance marketplace, and replace it with the federal marketplace, HealthCare.gov. As George Washington University’s Sara Rosenbaum explains in a new blog post, the state’s move may have the largest impact on its 550,000 Medicaid beneficiaries, because Kynect offers integrated Medicaid and marketplace enrollment. </p><p>As detailed in her Commonwealth Fund issue brief, states that have expanded eligibility for Medicaid and also operate their own marketplaces show higher rates of Medicaid enrollment. In fact, among expansion states operating their own marketplace, Kentucky has the highest percentage growth in Medicaid enrollment.

http://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/newsletters/ealerts/2016/mar/kentucky-diskynects Read the post