What’s the Best Way to Encourage Americans to Buy Health Insurance?
<p>The American Health Care Act (AHCA) contains a provision requiring people to carry health insurance coverage at all times or pay a 30 percent surcharge on their premium when they do buy a plan.</p><p>Similar to the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate, the continuous coverage requirement included in the repeal-and-replace bill recently proposed by congressional Republicans is intended to strengthen health insurance risk pools. Beyond that, however, the current tax penalty for not carrying coverage and the premium surcharge envisioned by the AHCA couldn’t be more different.</p>
<p>In our latest explainer on health reform alternatives, we take a close look at the Republicans’ continuous coverage requirement. We describe how it might work in practice, how consumers would fare, and what impact the change might have on insurance markets across the country.</p>
<p>Also read our explainers on <a href="/publications/explainer/2017/mar/essential-facts-about-health-reform-alternatives-high-risk-pools">high-risk pools</a>, <a href="/publications/explainer/2017/apr/essential-facts-about-health-reform-alternatives-allowing-insurance">sales of insurance across state lines</a>, and <a href="/publications/explainer/2017/apr/essential-facts-about-health-reform-alternatives-medicaid-capita">Medicaid per capita caps</a> and <a href="/publications/explainer/2017/feb/essential-facts-about-health-reform-alternatives-block-granting">block grants</a>.</p>