When It Comes to Medicare Financing, No Action Is the Best Action on Medicare
<p>Last week, Medicare’s Board of Trustees released its 2015 annual report, projecting that the part of the trust fund that pays for hospitalizations will become insolvent in 2030. In a new blog post, Sherry Glied, dean of the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at New York University, says the best thing to do about that right now is nothing.</p><p>Drawing on a recent Commonwealth Fund brief, Glied explains that Medicare financial forecasting is often uncertain, and that changes to the program can be made over time. “In 10 years, we will know much more about the trajectory of health care spending and effective approaches for cost containment” Glied writes. “Recent experience has demonstrated that substantial savings in the health care system can be realized in a very short period of time.</p>
http://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/newsletters/ealerts/2015/jul/when-it-comes-to-medicare-financing-no-action-is-the-best-action-on-medicarr Read the post