Why Not the Best? Results from the National Scorecard on U.S. Health System Performance, 2011
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<strong>October 18, 2011 Briefing:<br /></strong>
<strong>New National Scorecard Rates U.S. Health Care System on Key Indicators; Evaluates Progress and Declines Since First Scorecard in 2006; <br />Calculates Lives and Health Care Dollars Saved with Improved Performance </strong>
<p align="left">The Commonwealth Fund Commission on a High Performance Health System will release the new National Scorecard on Health System Performance on October 18. The Scorecard, which measures and scores the U.S. health care system across 42 indicators of health care quality, access, efficiency, equity, and healthy lives, is the third since 2006. The 2011 Scorecard will compare the current score with previous years, highlight where the health care system has improved and declined over time, and explore how the Affordable Care Act has and will continue to affect U.S. health care system performance. </p>
<p align="left">During an October 18th release event at the Barbara Jordan Conference Center, Commission chair David Blumenthal, M.D., and Commission and Commonwealth Fund board member Maureen Bisognano will join The Commonwealth Fund's Karen Davis and Cathy Schoen to lay out the report's findings and address key issues, such as: How have access and affordability of care changed over time in comparison to family incomes? Are quality improvement initiatives working? What are the biggest barriers to high performance? What should policymakers be paying attention to moving forward? </p>
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<strong>When:</strong> Tuesday, October 18, 11:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m. A boxed lunch will be available. </p>
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<strong>Where:</strong> Barbara Jordan Conference Center, Kaiser Family Foundation Building, 1330 G Street, NW, Washington, D.C. <em>Phone Participation Option Available. See Below.</em></p>
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<strong>Who:</strong> <br /><strong>Karen Davis</strong>, President, The Commonwealth Fund <br /><strong>Cathy Schoen</strong>, Senior Vice President for Policy, Research, and Evaluation, The Commonwealth Fund<br /><strong>David Blumenthal</strong>, M.D., Samuel O. Thier Professor of Medicine and Professor of Health Care Policy, Massachusetts General Hospital, Partners HealthCare System, Harvard Medical School <br /><strong>Maureen Bisognano</strong>, President and CEO, Institute for Healthcare Improvement </p>
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<strong>RSVP:</strong> RSVP for this event online at <a href="http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=drajzjdab&oeidk=a0…; or through Lowell Dempsey at <a href="mailto:[email protected]">ldempsey@burnesscommunicatio…; or 301-652-1558.</p>
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<strong>NOTE: </strong>For those who cannot attend in person, a phone line is available to listen to the event. Call-in information is below, and you can access event materials at the event’s start time (11:30 a.m., Tuesday, October 18) at: <a href="/News/News-Releases/2011/Oct/Oct-18-Briefing-Why-Not-the-Best.aspx">http://www.commonwealthfund.org/News/News-Releases/2011/Oct/Oct-18-Brie…;. Please note, phone participants will not have the ability to ask questions during the Q&A session. </p>
<p align="left">Program Title: The Commonwealth Fund National Scorecard Release <br />Call-In Number: (800) 791-4813 <br />Conference ID: RESULTS <br /></p>