Why the U.S. Needs Medicaid
<p>Transitions from one presidential administration to the next often mean taking a hard look at public healthcare programs. Given the significant resources devoted to the program, Commonwealth Fund experts look at the multifaceted role Medicaid plays in U.S. health care in a new <em>To the Point</em> post and slideshow explainer.</p><p>Covering nearly 73 million low-income children, working adults, and older people, Medicaid is the nation’s largest insurer. A growing body of evidence finds that the program provides a comprehensive set of benefits while encouraging improvements in the way health services are paid for and delivered throughout the health system. Medicaid also supports safety-net hospitals and providers, as well as state economies. </p>
http://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/newsletters/ealerts/2016/sep/why-the-us-needs-medicaid Read the post