Young Adults Will Be Among the Last-Minute ACA Enrollees: How Have the Coverage Expansions Affected Them?
<p>Open enrollment in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplaces ends this Friday in the 42 states that use Many last-minute enrollees are expected to be young adults. </p><p>In a new <em>To the Point</em>, Munira Gunja, Sophie Beutel, and Sara Collins discuss Commonwealth Fund survey findings showing that young adults ages 19 to 34 have made the largest gains in insurance coverage of any age group since the ACA went into effect. The surveys also find that this new coverage is making health care affordable for them. </p>
<p>Yet the much shorter open enrollment period this year — along with the tax bill’s repeal of the individual mandate penalties — could erode coverage among young adults of all income levels.</p>