Vanessa Northington Gamble, M.D., Ph.D., is director of the Tuskegee University National Center for Bioethics in Research and Health Care. The Center, the only bioethics center at an historically black college university, focuses on bioethics, minority health, and public health. The Center was established in 1999 as a result of President Clinton's apology for the United States Public Health Syphilis Study. Dr. Gamble chaired the committee that took the lead role in the campaign to obtain the apology. At Tuskegee, Dr. Gamble is also a professor of bioethics in the College of Veterinary Medicine, Nursing and Allied Health at Tuskegee University. A physician and medical historian, she is an internationally recognized expert on the history of race and racism in American medicine, racial and ethnic disparities in health and health care, cultural competence, diversity, and bioethics. Dr. Gamble is a member of the Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences.
Vanessa Gamble