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  • Virginia's Republican-Controlled House Backs Medicaid Expansion  Vox by Sarah Kliff — Over the weekend, a key committee in the Republican-controlled Virginia House of Delegates backed a budget that would have the state opt in to the Affordable Care Act program to cover low-income Americans. For years now, Virginia Republicans have opposed Medicaid expansion — so this new budget is a significant turnaround. But the Virginia Republicans' plan to expand Medicaid comes with a catch. State legislators say it would require enrollees to work in order to receive coverage, similar to new the new programs recently rolled out in Kentucky and Indiana. Advocates worry that these new rules could cause vulnerable Medicaid enrollees to lose coverage, unable to either comply with the new requirement or complete the necessary paperwork to prove employment.

  • Trump's Historic Medicaid Shift Goes Beyond Work Requirements  Stateline by Michael Ollove — Requiring able-bodied adults to work for their Medicaid is just part of the Trump administration's drive to remake the decades-old health insurance program for the poor. The administration signaled late last year that it welcomes state-based ideas to retool Medicaid and "help individuals live up to their highest potential." At least 10 states have requested waivers that would allow them to impose work requirements and other obligations.

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