J. Angeles, Improving Medicaid as Part of Building on the Current System to Achieve Universal Coverage, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, February 24, 2009.
America’s Uninsured Crisis: Consequences for Health and Health Care, Institute of Medicine, February 2009.
S. Zuckerman, D. M. Miller, and E. S. Pape, Missouri's 2005 Medicaid Cuts: How Did They Affect Enrollees And Providers? Health Affairs Web Exclusive, February 18, 2009, w335–w345.
D. Horner, J. Guyer, C. Mann, and J. Alker, The Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009, Georgetown University Health Policy Institute Center for Children and Families, February 2009.
V. Wachino and A. M. Weiss, Maximizing Kids’ Enrollment in Medicaid and SCHIP: What Works in Reaching, Enrolling and Retaining Eligible Children, National Academy for State Health Policy, February 2009.
P. Butler, Including Employer Financing in State Health Reform Initiatives: Implications of Recent Court Decisions, National Academy for State Health Policy, January 2009.
Reauthorizing SCHIP: Principles, Issues And Ideas From State Directors, National Academy for State Health Policy, January 2009.
M. Bella, C. Shearer, S. Somers, L. Etheredge, and J. Moore, Building a Medicaid Rapid-Learning Network: A Key Investment for Medicaid’s Future, Center for Health Care Strategies, January 2009.
J. Verdier, M Colby, D. Lipson, S. Simon, C. Stone, T. Bell, V. Byrd, M. Lipson, and V. Pérez, SoonerCare 1116 Waiver Evaluation: Final Report, Oklahoma Health Care Authority, January 2009.
State of the States: Charting a Course: Preparing for the Future, Learning from the Past, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation State Coverage Initiatives, January 2009.
M. Sparer, Medicaid and the U.S. Path to National Health Insurance, New England Journal of Medicine, January 22, 2009, 360(4):323–325.
A. Weil, A New Approach to the State-Federal Relationship in Health, Health Affairs Web Exclusive, January 16, 2009, w188–w193.
J. Holahan and B. Garrett, Rising Unemployment, Medicaid and the Uninsured, The Urban Institute, January 14, 2009.
S. Dorn, B. Garrett, C. Perry, L. Clemans-Cope, and A. Lucas, Nine in Ten: Using the Tax System to Enroll Eligible, Uninsured Children into Medicaid and SCHIP, The Urban Institute, January 2009.
C. Trenholm, J. Mabli, and A. Wilson, SCHIP Children: How Long Do They Stay and Where Do They Go? Mathematica Policy Research, Inc., January 2009.
J. Holahan and L. Blumberg, Massachusetts Health Reform: Solving the Long-Run Cost Problem, The Urban Institute, January 2009.
L. Ku, Restoring Medicaid and SCHIP Coverage to Legal Immigrant Children and Pregnant Women: Implications for Community Health and Health Care for Tomorrow’s Citizens, The George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services Department of Health Policy, January 13, 2009.
G. Kenney and J. Pelletier, Setting Income Thresholds in Medicaid/SCHIP: Which Children Should Be Eligible? The Urban Institute, January 2009.
Fund Publications
The Commonwealth Fund Commission on a High Performance Health System, The Path to a High Performance U.S. Health System: A 2020 Vision and the Policies to Pave the Way, The Commonwealth Fund, February 2009.
M. M. Doty, S. D. Rustgi, C. Schoen, and S. R. Collins, Maintaining Health Insurance During a Recession: Likely COBRA Eligibility, The Commonwealth Fund, January 2009.
L. Summer, Getting and Keeping Coverage: States' Experience with Citizenship Documentation Rules, The Commonwealth Fund, January 2009.
D. Blumenthal, The Federal Role in Promoting Health Information Technology, The Commonwealth Fund, January 26, 2009.
S. R. Collins, J. L. Nicholson, and S. D. Rustgi, An Analysis of Leading Congressional Health Care Bills, 2007–2008: Part I, Insurance Coverage, The Commonwealth Fund, January 2009.
S. A. Glied, Expanding SCHIP: A Downpayment on Health Reform, The Commonwealth Fund, January 8, 2009.
Multimedia Resources
Ask the Experts: The Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorized: What’s Next?, The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, February 12, 2009.
Video and Written Testimony: What States Are Doing to Keep Us Healthy, Hearing Before the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions, January 22, 2009.