The snapshots in this issue focus on health information technology (HIT) initiatives. States are increasingly involved in improving their health care systems through such activities as collecting and analyzing health data, developing health information exchanges, supporting e-prescribing programs, and publicly reporting comparative performance information about health plans, hospitals, and other providers as well as state- and/or county-specific information on health status and disparities. These activities are supported, in part, by Medicaid Transformation Grants from the federal government. Below we highlight data collection and public reporting activities in Hawaii, California, and Kentucky. We also describe a new venue for states to share information about their experiences, challenges, and best practices in HIT.
To better understand the landscape, the Commonwealth Fund is funding Health Management Associates (HMA), in coordination with the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and its State Alliance for eHealth, to conduct a survey of state activity on health information technology. The survey will provide information to help states develop, focus, and improve their e-health information exchange strategies. In particular, the survey will explore state activity related to the policy areas addressed by the State Alliance (described below): privacy and security, licensure of health professionals, and the role of publicly funded programs in HIT.
According to HMA Principal Vernon Smith, the new survey "will highlight the challenges and issues states are facing, which are quite significant. But we will also highlight the successes and lessons learned, so other states can learn and benefit from the trail blazers."