Last spring, The Commonwealth Fund sponsored a workshop, "Transforming Well-Child Care for the 21st Century," at the National Initiative for Children's Healthcare Quality's Sixth Annual Forum for Improving Children's Health Care in San Francisco. The workshop was designed to emphasize the interaction of new technologies, improved developmental and behavioral screening techniques, and team-based care, as well as tiered physician reimbursement based on bio-psychosocial risk.
Watch a Commonwealth Fund E-Forum of David A. Bergman, M.D., of Stanford University—featuring synched slides, audio, and a transcript—from his opening presentation, "A Future Vision for Well-Child Care."
Also check out a video with highlights of a panel discussion from the pre-conference that included: Dr. Berman, Scott Gee, M.D., of Kaiser Permanente–Northern California; Ruby Kadota, M.D., of Kaiser Permanente–Colorado; Paula Duncan, M.D, of the Vermont Child Health Improvement Program at the University of Vermont College of Medicine; and Nora Wells, of Family Voices, Inc. Fund executive vice president Steve Schoenbaum, M.D., moderated the discussion.