New case studies of top-performing hospitals just added to profile innovative improvement strategies. Two of the case studies, United Hospital Center: Improving Surgical Care Through Evidence-Based Education and Standardization and NorthShore University Health System: Achieving Rapid Improvement on Core Measures, inaugurate a series providing insights and lessons from hospitals working to improve surgical care and reduce complications. There are also new tools for improving surgical care processes. Another case study, The New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation: Transforming a Public Safety Net Delivery System to Achieve Higher Performance, provides an example of a large safety-net hospital system that, facing significant challenges in caring for a complex population, has achieved high levels of performance in several clinical areas. Two other case studies, The Valley Hospital: Leaders Set the Tone for Patient Service and Satisfaction and Parkwest Medical Center: Focusing on Patient and Staff Satisfaction, showcase ways to improve patients' experiences.
Later this month, the site will be updated with the most recent performance data on the process-of-care and hospital patient satisfaction measures publicly reported by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Later this month, the site will be updated with the most recent performance data on the process-of-care and hospital patient satisfaction measures publicly reported by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.