The 11th Commonwealth Fund Health Care Opinion Leaders Survey asked a diverse group of experts for their perspective on ways to improve the quality and safety of health care in the U.S. Survey participants agreed that the current health system is not achieving and is not designed to foster high quality. Responses indicate strong support for greater government leadership; creation of a new public–private entity to coordinate quality improvement efforts and set a national quality agenda; changes in the way providers are paid; greater integration of providers; and reforms to promote medical homes. Favored strategies for improvement include accelerating the adoption of health information technology, public reporting of providers' performance on quality-of-care measures, financial incentives for improved care, and stronger regulatory oversight. Opinion leaders' Survey responses closely align with the principles put forward by the Commonwealth Fund's Commission on a High Performance Health System.
This survey was conducted in partnership with Modern Healthcare.
Health Care Opinion Leaders' Views on the Quality and Safety of Health Care in the United States

Publication Details
K. K. Shea, A. Shih, K. Davis, Health Care Opinion Leaders' Views on the Quality and Safety of Health Care in the United States, The Commonwealth Fund, July 2007
Area of Focus