The PHDS data is only meaningful if it is reported back in a way that is salient and relevant to the target recipient. Step 6 focuses on how the PHDS findings can be reported in a way that stimulates and informs improvements. This section is intended for the project managers who will oversee the development of reporting templates and for any vendors that will develop the final reports.
The six sections focus on designing and implementing a PHDS reporting strategy:
6.1: Plan your reporting and dissemination strategy
6.2: Review guidelines and tips for reporting to health system leaders
6.3: Review guidelines and tips for reporting to frontline health care providers
6.4: Review guidelines and tips for reporting to consumers
6.5: Compare your PHDS findings with others
6.6: Review additional resources on reporting health care quality findings
Useful tables and templates that pertain to this step include:
Comparison Data for the PHDS and ProPHDS Administration by Mail
Example Executive Summary of the PHDS findings
Sample Communication Template for Frontline Health Providers
Sample Communication Template for Parents of Young Children