In the first of a series on health reform in the 2020 election, health policy expert Jeanne Lambrew, a senior fellow at the Century Foundation and veteran of two presidential administrations, describes the likely health care landscape leading up to 2020 and projects Republican and Democratic reform plans. Lambrew looks back over the decades to show that health care promises made on the campaign trail are very much relevant to the new administration’s policy agenda.
The Connection: The Health Reform Landscape in 2020; High Premiums in Iowa, and More
What Shape Will Health Reform Take in 2020?
Why Health Insurance Premiums in Iowa Are So High
In a post on To the Point, Georgetown University's Sabrina Corlette and Kevin Lucia trace the policy and business decisions that led to high premiums in Iowa’s health insurance marketplace. The state’s recent decision to exempt health plans offered by Iowa’s Farm Bureau from state and federal insurance regulation, including the Affordable Care Act's provisions designed to protect people with preexisting conditions, is “making a bad situation worse for the state's individual market," they say, noting that Iowa's experience offers lessons for other states.
Using the ACA as a blueprint, states like Massachusetts and New Jersey are looking at ways to encourage greater health plan enrollment through a state mandate
CommonwealthFnd Medicare and MedicaidAfter Stewart v. Azar, What’s Next for Medicaid Work Requirements?
Now that a U.S. district court judge has overturned U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar's approval of Kentucky's Medicaid waiver, which features beneficiary work requirements, what happens next? In a To the Point post, George Washington University health law expert Sara Rosenbaum discusses takeaways from Stewart v. Azar and lays out the options for the Trump administration.
Also see Rosenbaum’s post examining how Medicaid work requirements could affect American Indians and Alaska Natives — and why states cannot choose whether to honor the federal commitment to Indian health.
Check Out Our Interactive Map Tracking Trends in Medicaid
This November, voters in Nebraska, Utah, and Idaho will vote on whether to expand Medicaid. Use our interactive map to explore which states have already expanded Medicaid, and which have proposed, approved, or blocked proposals to add work requirements for beneficiaries.
A New Medicare Benefit Covering Home- and Community-Based Services
About one of five Medicare beneficiaries has serious physical or cognitive limitations that require personal care services and supports, like bathing and meal prep, on a long-term basis. Only low-income beneficiaries eligible for Medicaid, however, can get coverage for these services. In a Commonwealth Fund report, Karen Davis of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and colleagues explore what it could mean to offer a Medicare benefit for home- and community-based services by examining Maryland's experience with Community First Choice, a new Medicaid benefit option that allows states to cover expenses for personal care.
Transforming Care: Physician-Led Efforts to Promote Value
The latest issue of Transforming Care looks at physicians’ proposals for addressing a key shortcoming of the nation's fee-for-service system: lack of payment for many of the high-value services physicians provide, like responding to patients’ queries or helping head off complications.
Join a Webinar: Investing in Social Services as a Core Strategy for Health Care Organizations -- Developing the Business Case
Join a July 12 webinar from 2:00 to 3:00 pm, E.T., to hear from KPMG and the Commonwealth Fund about a new guide to help health care organizations develop the business case for investing in social services and obtain measurable returns on investment. Register for the webinar.