Arnold M. Epstein, M.D., M.A., is John H. Foster Professor and chairman of the Department of Health Policy and Management at Harvard University School of Public Health, and chief of the Section on Health Services and Policy Research in the Department of Medicine at the Brigham and Women's Hospital. Dr. Epstein's research interests focus on quality of care and access to care for disadvantaged populations. Recently, his efforts have focused on public reporting of quality performance data and Medicaid policies. He has published more than 130 articles on these and other topics. His book, Falling Through the Safety Net: Insurance Status and Access to Health Care, won the Kulp Wright Award by the American Risk and Insurance Association in 1994 for the best new book on life and health insurance. During 1993–1994, Dr. Epstein worked in the White House where he had staff responsibility for policy issues related to the health care delivery system, especially quality management. And in 2014–16 he served as Deputy Assistant Secretary and head of the Office of Health Policy in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. He has served as chairman of the board of AcademyHealth and serves on the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations' advisory council on performance measurement. He has served on several editorial boards including Health Services Research and the Annals of Internal Medicine. He is currently associate editor for health policy at the New England Journal of Medicine and a member of the Institute of Medicine.
Arnold M. Epstein
John H. Foster Professor and Chairman, Department of Health Policy and Management, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

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